Requirements: Android 2.0+
Overview: Phone To Computer is an application that will allow your phone and your computer to interact by your phone controlling/sending/obtaining data from your computer (Your computer must have an internet connection for this to work).
In order for your computer to receive data you must first install software from the following web page:
If you have any issues please e-mail me first. I do respond to e-mails. It is hard for me to catch all the errors. I will gladly try to walk you through any errors you do come across and attempt to fix them for the next release.
Phone To Computer is an application that will allow your phone and your computer to interact by your phone controlling/sending/obtaining data from your computer (Your computer must have an internet connection for this to work).
This software will allow you to open up web pages directly from your phone, send pictures, videos, documents, and other files from your phone to your computer over the internet (wireless or your data plan). Not only is it a remote control but it is the reverse of Chrome To Phone!
It allows to you to control your computer the following ways:
Move your mouse, click or type messages, or execute special combinations(macros) on your computer directly from your phone
Take a snapshot of what's currently on your computer's main screen.
View a file browser for your computer right on your phone. This will allow you to open a file on your computer from your phone, view properties of the files, delete a file on your computer from your phone, download a file from your computer to your phone, or open images from your computer on your phone.
If you have the barcode scanning app installed on your phone you can use your phone to scan barcodes onto your computer. Just scan the barcode with the camera and then it will write the text out and then press tab.
The server web page also contains youtube video tutorials on how to setup the application as well as use it. If you have any questions or comments you can e-mail me at (You can easily send an e-mail by opening the app and selection menu -> Contact Developer).
To see more of what is available on a given screen press menu on your phone and select 'Help'.
To disable ads please select Menu -> Preferences and uncheck the enable ads option.
Please never hand out your password or computer software generated bar code to anyone who you do not want accessing your computer.
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