Monday, March 12, 2012

DosBox Turbo v1.1.3 Apk App

Requirements: Android v2.1+
Overview: A highly optimized port of the latest DOSBox v0.74 emulator for Android. This is the ★FASTEST★ DosBox emulator on the market! Run your old DOS games quickly, with full mouse, keyboard, sound and analog joystick emulation.
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 A highly optimized port of the latest DOSBox v0.74 emulator for Android. This is the ★FASTEST★ DosBox emulator on the market! Run your old DOS games quickly, with full mouse, keyboard, sound and analog joystick emulation.

 NOTICE: As with any DOS emulator, this application needs access to the SDCARD and plenty of free memory to run. Your phone should have at least 50+MB to run DosBox properly. Copy your old DOS games onto your SD card and start playing!

 ★ NEW! Absolute Finger & Pointer tracking, use DOS applications intuitively on a touch screen! (experimental)
 ★ Gesture Mapping Support
 ★ Button Mapping Support
 ★ Support for Phones & Tablets
 ★ DPAD and Optical Trackpad input support.
 ★ Honeycomb and ICS Support (Android 3.2 and 4.0)
 ★ Highly optimized port of the lastest DosBox version. Additional enhancements for modern ARM7 phones.
 ★ Virtual Mouse emulation mode, with left & right click!
 ★ Can remap volume keys to mouse or joystick buttons.
 ★ Virtual Multi-Touch *Analog* Joystick emulation!
 ★ Full Sound Support!
 ★ Full Android Input Method support (use any keyboard from the market)
 ★ FAST!!
 ★ Special Key Combination emulation.
 ★ Switch to portrait or landscape mode without restart!
 ★ Default Fast & HQ Scaling modes.
 ★ Supports external USB/Bluetooth mice & joysticks [Android 3.1+]
 ★ Supports Right Click on Trackpads & mice. [Android 4.0+]
 ★ Full ASUS Transformer keyboard & trackpad support.

 Recent changes:
 * Fix input tap latency
 * Turbo audio fixes.
 * Add Rotation preferences
 + new features held to next release

 * SPEED: Focus entire dev cycle on speed optimizations. This release should be the fastest yet.
 * Allow mem_block_writes to be cached better.
 * VGA Line drawing optimizations
 * Cortex A8/A9 (armv7) tuning.
 * Misc. other optimizations.

 * Initial Button Mapper support - back button defaults to ESC
 * Misc Absolute Input fixes & smoothing
 * Misc Bug Fixes
 Less description »

 Latest version: 1.1.3 (for Android version 2.1 and higher)

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